10 Effective Steps to Get Rid of Junk in Your Home

10 Effective Steps to Get Rid of Junk in Your Home

If you’re like most people in the United States, you have too much stuff – and you know it. 

It’s estimated that at least 25% of Americans have a clutter problem, and about 84% feel that their homes aren’t organized or clean enough. 

Learning to declutter isn’t just about keeping your home “clean” or presentable – it’s about protecting your mental and physical well-being. According to WebMD, owning too much stuff and feeling disorganized can increase your stress levels, make it hard to concentrate, and even cause memory issues.

Ignoring your accumulated junk can also lead to tripping hazards, dust accumulation, financial issues, and a generally disorganized environment. 

The bottom line? It’s healthy to declutter and get rid of junk. If you’re not sure where to start, here are 10 key steps to follow.  

1. Set Clear Goals

group of junk to remove

When embarking on a journey to declutter, you first need to understand your “why.”

Whether you want to create more physical space, achieve a tidier living environment, or cultivate a clearer mental state, identifying these motivations provides a solid foundation for setting achievable goals.

Then, as you map out your game plan, think about how you can break the project down. The smaller and more manageable your objectives are, the more likely you are to stick to them. 

We typically advise going room by room and splitting tasks up into different days. This helps you work methodically and avoid burning out before you finish decluttering. 

Another good idea is to prioritize your goals based on their significance. If you absolutely must get the garage cleared out before summer heats up, do that first rather than leaving it to hurry through later on. 

2. Pick a Time That Works for You 

Another aspect of junk removal planning is picking the right time. Some times of the year are certainly more conducive to home cleanouts than others. 

For instance, if you live somewhere hot, summer might not be a good season to be sifting through boxes in your boiling attic. Conversely, freezing temperatures aren’t the best for clearing out sheds or garages. 

You should also think about the season or month in which you have the most time to dedicate to decluttering. For some, the holidays might be perfect because they have days off from work. For others, the holidays might be hectic enough without throwing in a stressful cleanout. 

Everyone’s different. Think about when your schedule, environment, and mindset are the most conducive to a successful cleanout, then make your plan. 

3. Start Small 

One of the most common mistakes we see people make is diving headfirst into their decluttering project. As with any lifestyle change or big project, it’s best to start small

Begin your junk overhaul with one area: a closet or one small bathroom or bedroom. See how you feel and note what works in your process (and what doesn’t). 

This will help you feel less overwhelmed, but it will also help you build momentum and confidence as you charge forward with the rest of your decluttering.

4. Categorize Your Items 

woman categorizing clutter

As you start to declutter your first space, determine what your categories should be. For most, it looks a little something like: 

  1. Keeps
  2. Donations
  3. To Be Sold
  4. Trash/Junk

Having clear categories (and places to put these categories) will help you stay organized. It will also help you make plans for all of the items you’re pulling out of storage. 

Whatever you do, don’t start building unmanageable piles for miscellaneous items. Force yourself to create categories and stick to them for the sake of your decluttering journey and your mental health. 

5. Keep Yourself in Check 

As you decide what to keep, you may want to set up some parameters for yourself. How can you keep what you need and should, and not just what you just want to? 

If you find yourself struggling with this, you may want to look into some popular decluttering philosophies, such as the Marie Kondo method or the KonMari method

This method emphasizes only keeping items that “spark joy” and discarding those that do not. It encourages followers to tidy by category rather than location and advocates for specific folding techniques to help you maximize space and maintain order. 

Another option would be to limit yourself to a certain number of boxes, shelves, or hangers for certain categories of items. This is a good way to force yourself to get rid of junk rather than just shuffling items around and continuously “organizing.” 

6. Adopt a Mindful Sense of Sentimentality

sentimental woman decluttering

One of the hardest parts of decluttering is letting go of things that are sentimental to you. Getting rid of junk and clutter doesn’t always mean tossing these items, but you will need to find ways to be mindful of what you keep and what you don’t. 

If you know, you’ll be going through some sentimental items, such as the belongings of a passed loved one or childhood memorabilia, set aside dedicated time. Don’t rush, and take the opportunity to reflect on the significance of different items. 

When possible, try to digitize these items to store them in a way that consumes less space. You can also try to pass down the items you don’t want to other family members or friends. 

Most importantly, practice gratitude. It’s hard to get rid of some things, but it helps to express your thanks for their service and memories as you go. 

7. Organize What You’re Keeping 

Before you clear out what you’re donating, selling, or trashing, you may want to figure out how you’ll store what you’re keeping. Otherwise, you might end up regretting all of your “keep” category.

Take time to plan your organization scheme and purchase any tools or bins you might need. If you don’t organize what you’re keeping, you’ll likely find yourself going through this same decluttering process again in the near future. 

8. Take Care of Your Donations

take care of donations

Once you’ve organized your “keeps,” it’s time to find places for the items you want to donate. 

If you’re not sure where to take your donations, research local options. Your nearby charities, churches, and Goodwills likely have protocols for donating and what they’ll accept, so make sure you read their policies before swinging by. 

Some donation centers will pick up your unwanted items for you, which makes donating a highly convenient option. Ask if your chosen organization offers scheduled pickups or drop-offs. 

9. Call Junk Removers

Now that you’ve organized your keeps and donated other items, it’s time to get rid of the “trash” that you don’t want to give to others. That’s where we come in. 

At 1-800-JUNK-GONE, we make junk disappear in New Jersey – so you don’t even have to think about it. From old mattresses to broken electronics and heavy appliances, we clear all of your junk away and safely dispose of it. 

hire junk removal company

Working with a professional junk removal service saves you time, but it also saves you risk and energy. We take care of all the heavy lifting and disposal for a flat fee, so you can get back to your regular daily activities. 

To learn more about our junk removal services, get in touch. We’ll help you arrange a pick-up time.

10. Stay on Top of the Clutter 

Ah, now, doesn’t that feel better? 

The problem is that your home only stays organized and decluttered if you work at it. All of your hard work won’t last if you let your home or other parts of your property get out of hand again.  

To continually prevent junk from piling up, adopt a habit of regular maintenance rather than occasional purges. For instance, you can implement a “one in, one out” rule where new items are only brought in if an existing item is removed. Others embrace minimalism by regularly reassessing possessions and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy. 

Another good tip is to invest in storage solutions that promote organization and help maintain a clutter-free environment. Strong organization also helps you cultivate mindfulness and intentionality in purchasing decisions to prevent the unnecessary accumulation of items.

Got Junk? Give Our Team a Call Today 

Like many things in life, your home’s junk can get out of hand when you’re not paying attention to it. That’s why it’s so important to declutter regularly and stay on top of your clutter. 

If you’ve got junk that you want to get rid of at a New Jersey property, we’re here to help. Not only do we pick up unwanted items, but we also offer dumpster rentals to help you collect trash and debris as you work. 

To schedule your junk removal, call 1-800-586-5466. You can also contact us online to select a date and time for the pickup appointment. 

The truth is, life is better without junk. Don’t let yours get you down.